Basically you need a few simple things to draw a tree. The first are organisms you're studying, and from these you need to derive your characters and their 'states'. To do this, examine the 'organisms' and pick apart their appearance, internal anatomy etc, and these become your characters. You need to be able to give these characters 'states', but these need to be well defined (ie if something is blue and something else red, the character would be colour and the states would be blue and red). For example a character of size might be useful, but if you define the states as 'small, medium or large' then it's an arbitrary measurement and will be impossible for anyone else to use your characters to see how you came up with the tree you did. A better character state would be 0-1.9cm long, 2-3.9cm long, greater than 4cm long (depending of course on what organisms you're describing) as it can be exactly replicated by any other researcher. Generally the more characters you can use the better, I'll list the ones I'll use below shortly.
The other thing that is useful is one or two 'outgroup(s)'. These help root the tree, and ensure the characters you're picking will split closely related organisms rather than working because they're completely independent of everything. For example if you chose red and blue as character states for cars and you had motorbikes and ships as outgroups, it would probably show up as a bad character. Outgroups shouldn't be too far removed from what your studying (eg if your studying cuttlefish then a jellyfish would be an inappropriate outgroup, but an octopus is closely related but different enough to work well).
So for the sweets example, we'll start out with 6 chocolate bars (in this case we'll use a Milky Way bar, Mars bar, Snickers, Violet Crumble, Crunchy and a Flake) and one lolly that isn't a chocolate bar as our outgroup - say a lolly snake.
From these 7 'organisms' we need to find characters that will split them up and hopefully place closely related 'species' together.
So our characters (and their states) might be:
1. Chocolate coated (yes/no)
2. Nougat present (yes/no)
3. Caramel present (yes/no)
4. Honeycomb present (yes/no)
5. Nuts present (yes/no)
So these 5 characters would be enough to split up the chocolates, but probably not enough to completely resolve them to separate 'species'. To draw the tree from these characters, you first need to make up a character matrix. In this case it's pretty simple, as we've got a binary character set (all of the answers are no, which we'll code as a 0, or a yes, which we'll code as a 1). You can have as many states as you need - up to 4 or 5 can work well - but too many may make the character useless. Often matrices are polarized so that all the outgroup scores a 0, but in this case that happened anyway so isn't necessary.
Anyway, our matrix looks like this:
(I used letters for the individual 'species' as it shortens the name and is easier to put on a tree)
So to draw a tree, we start out with whatever character is common to most species. In this case it's being chocolate coated (character 1) which splits the outgroup off immediately (diagram below - sorry for crappy quality, I don't have time to do them properly!). The character used to split the tree at that point can be indicated with a horizontal like and a number, it allows you to see exactly which characters separate species. Everything that occurs after that number has that character, so from the 1 on the tree below, we can see that A does not have any chocolate, but B, C, D, E, F and G do.
We keep going the same as before, looking at the next character that is common to BC and D or EF and G (as they're the biggest groups remaining). We'll use character 3 (caramel) next:
And to split the other big group, we'll use character 4 (honeycomb):
And now we'll use our last character, 5 (nuts)
So this is the final tree. It's ok, but not fantastic. We can see that A, E, B, C and D are all separate species, but we've failed to split F and G on the characters we used (both have chocolate and honeycomb, but that's as far as we got). If we were to use genetics as well, we might get further here. If we took brand to equal genus, then F and G would split nicely (VC= Nestle, Crunchy=Cadbury). I'll now colour-code branches according to brand:
Outgroup is green, Cadbury are purple, Nestle red and Mars are black. So in this case the Nestle bar was a good example of convergent evolution - that is two organisms evolving independently in similar environments that end up looking similar but are completely unrelated. It also shows that problems can arise if you use morphology alone - without the 'genetic' info here we couldn't split them at all. Just remember, things that are only one join (node) apart are most closely related (eg in this one C and D are more closely related than D and B or C and B).
This was a reasonably simple example, with only 5 characters across 7 'species' and realistically only one option for the best tree. However if you throw a few more species and a few more characters into the mix, there become multiple options as to what the tree could look like, and because of this it is easiest to use computer programs to try re-combinations hundreds of times rather than doing it by hand.
So that is how you draw a phylogenetic tree. Hopefully it helps in understanding how they come about, and how to read them. You'll come across terms like monophyly and paraphyly, which I might go through in a future post (for a definition right now, google a taxonomic dictionary ;) ), but it should hopefully be easier to understand relationships between species by looking at these diagrams.
One final note: if anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to ask away. I'll try to answer as best I can ;) Also if you've something you're interested in for a post about, let me know and I'll see what I can do... Perhaps next time for something different I'll write about the long-awaited 'talking' trees ;)